Staff Requirements
To maintain the professionalism, integrity, and functionality of our staff team, we have established the following requirements for all staff members at United Virtual Airlines:
Flight Commitment:
- Staff members are required to complete a minimum of four (4) flights every 30 days to retain active status.
Exclusivity Clause:
- Staff members may not simultaneously hold a staff role with another virtual airline.
Pilot Status with Other Airlines:
- Staff members must not be in an "active" pilot status with another virtual airline unless on Leave of Absence (LOA) or Retired status, unless prior approval is obtained from a UVA Admin team member.
Minimum Age Requirement:
- The minimum age for a staff member is 18 years old.
Monthly Staff Meetings:
- Staff members must be available to attend a monthly staff meeting scheduled by the Administrative or Executive team.
SmartCARS Activity:
- Staff members must have a minimum of one month (30 days) with the airline and have submitted and had approved a minimum of ten (10) Pilot Reports (PIREPs) through SmartCARS.
Good Standing Requirement:
- Staff members must be in good standing with the airline, with no pending or active disciplinary actions.
Discord Presence:
- Staff members are expected to be active and sociable participants on our Discord server both prior to and upon placement onto the staff roster.
Probation Period:
- All staff new hires will undergo a probation period of one month (30 days) for performance evaluation. During this period, their position may be reconsidered if necessary.
Group Flight/Event Participation:
- While not currently a requirement, staff members are encouraged to participate in at least one group flight or event per month. This is subject to change at the discretion of the Administrative and/or Executive teams based on staff participation levels.
These requirements are designed to ensure a committed, engaged, and professional staff team that contributes positively to the success of United Virtual Airlines. We appreciate your dedication to meeting these standards and fostering a collaborative and vibrant community within our virtual airline.