Requesting Taxi Clearance on VATSIM
Requesting Taxi Clearance on VATSIM
Once your pushback is complete and you've coordinated with the ground crew (if using GSX for ground services), your next step is to request taxi clearance from ATC. This procedure is vital for integrating seamlessly into the active airport environment and proceeding to the runway in a manner that ensures both your safety and the efficiency of airport operations. Below is a guide to properly request and confirm your taxi clearance on VATSIM.
Before Requesting Taxi:
Example Request:
Receiving Taxi Instructions:
Example Instruction and Readback:
Instruction from ATC:
Your Readback:
During Taxi:
Transition to Takeoff:
Key Takeaways:
Requesting and receiving taxi clearance on VATSIM requires clear communication and adherence to ATC instructions. By following the established protocol and maintaining awareness during taxi, pilots contribute to the smooth operation of virtual airport environments, enhancing the realism and enjoyment of the VATSIM experience for all participants.