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Events on Crew Website

Events on Dashboard

United Virtual holds multiple events per week. A list of our events can be found in two places on our crew website. 

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 12.14.29 AM.pngOn the dashboard of our crew center, there's a section titled Events & Focus Airport. This provides a look ahead at the next few planned events. Clicking on one of the events will take you to the details page for that event. 

Events Calendar

The other option for viewing events is by navigating the sidebar navigation on the crew website. Under the 'Activities' option, select 'Events'

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 12.14.51 AM.png

The events calendar will list the days of the month and any events that are taking place on a given day. You can change the month you're viewing by using the left and right arrow buttons at the top of the calendar. 

Clicking on an event will take you that event's detail page.