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Staff Requirements
- Staff members are required to complete four (4) flights every 30 days to remain active.
- Staff members may NOT be in a staff role with another virtual airline.
- Staff members may not be in an “active” pilot status with another virtual airline (must be on
LOA or Retired status) unless approved by a member of UVA’s Admin team.
- The minimum age for a staff member is 18 years old.
- Staff members are required to be able to attend a monthly staff meeting, scheduled by the
Administrative or Executive team.
- Staff members must have a minimum of 1 month (30 days) with the airline and a minimum of
ten (10) submitted and approved PIREPs through SmartCARS.
- Must be in good standing with the airline with no disciplinary actions pending or active.
- Must be an active and sociable member of our Discord server prior to and upon placement
onto the staff roster.
- All staff new hires are subject to a probation period of one (1) month (30 days) for
performance evaluation and reconsideration of position hired if necessary.
- All Staff members are asked to participate in at least 1 group flight/event per month. This is
not a requirement at this time, but is subject to change at the discretion of the Administrative
and/or Executive teams as the participation level of staff members dictates.