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Pre-Departure and Takeoff Procedures on VATSIM

Following the transition from Ground to Local frequency and completion of your final pre-departure checks, it's time to initiate contact with the tower for takeoff clearance on VATSIM. The process involves precise communication and adherence to the instructions provided by the air traffic controller. Here's a step-by-step guide to the pre-departure and takeoff procedures:

Initial Contact with Tower:

  1. Tune into the tower frequency as instructed by the ground controller. Pay attention to any specific instructions given by the ground controller, such as "Monitor Tower," which indicates that you should wait for the tower controller to initiate contact.

  2. When initiating contact, adhere to the following format:

[Controller ID], [Your Callsign], short of/coming up on [runway], ready for departure.

Example Contact:

"Las Vegas Tower, UAL1179, short of 19L, ready for departure."

Takeoff Clearance Format:

  1. The tower controller will respond with your takeoff clearance, providing essential information for a safe departure.
[Callsign], [Controller ID], Wind [wind direction + speed], [after takeoff instruction], runway [runway], cleared for takeoff.

Example Takeoff Clearance:

"UAL1179, Las Vegas Tower, wind 170 at 6, RNAV to DEREW, runway 19L, cleared for takeoff."
  1. Ensure you read back the entire takeoff clearance, including any after-takeoff instructions, headings, or RNAV points specified by the controller.

  2. The typical format for a takeoff clearance includes details like wind direction and speed, after-takeoff instructions, assigned runway, and the explicit clearance to take off.

Example Readback:

"Las Vegas Tower, UAL1179, wind 170 at 6, RNAV to DEREW, runway 19L, cleared for takeoff."

Execute Takeoff:

  1. After receiving the takeoff clearance and confirming with a readback, execute your takeoff procedures, including engaging the Takeoff/Go-Around (TO/GA) mode.

  2. Follow any specific instructions provided by the tower, such as flying RNAV to a designated point or adhering to a specified heading.

Important Note:

  • Always pay attention to the controller's instructions and read them back accurately to ensure a smooth and coordinated departure.

  • Be prepared to comply with any additional instructions or clearances that may be issued by the tower during the departure phase.

By following these procedures, you contribute to the realistic and organized flow of traffic on VATSIM, enhancing the overall experience for yourself and fellow virtual aviators.