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Post-Takeoff Procedures and Transition on VATSIM

As you ascend into the skies, your interaction with air traffic control (ATC) evolves, transitioning from departure control to en-route Center controllers on VATSIM. The following outlines the procedures and communication formats during and after takeoff:

Contacting Departure Controller:

  1. Post-Takeoff Contact:
    • Once airborne, you'll receive instructions to contact the departure controller. Tune into the provided departure frequency from your preflight clearance and wait for an appropriate moment to initiate your call.

    • Format for initial contact with Departure:

"UAL1179, Las Vegas Departure, radar contact, climb and maintain FL190."
  1. Handoff to Center:

    • Departure will guide you to a certain altitude, at which point you'll be handed off to a Center controller.
  2. Contacting Center Controller:

    • Upon handoff, readback the new frequency and initiate contact with the Center controller.

    • Format for contacting Center:

[Controller ID], [Your Callsign], climbing through [current altitude] for [assigned altitude], [SID name or D-TO].
  1. Cruise Level Instructions:
    • The Center controller will instruct you to climb to your assigned cruise level. If necessary, you can request a different cruise altitude or heading deviation due to weather conditions.

    • Example Request and Acknowledgment:

"Pacific Center, UAL1179, requesting FL350 due to turbulence." 
"UAL1179, climb and maintain FL350, approved."
  1. Handoff to Subsequent Centers:

    • As you approach the boundary of the current Center's airspace, you'll be handed off to the next Center, either within the same FIR/ARTCC or a neighboring one.

    • For each handoff, follow the same procedure of reading back the new frequency and initiating contact.

  2. Unicom Frequency Transition:

    • In instances where the next controller is not online, Center will hand you off to Unicom on frequency 122.800.

    • During this phase, no specific calls are required until you reach the approach/landing phase.

Key Notes:

  • Clear and Concise Communication:

    • Maintain clear and concise communication with ATC, adhering to their instructions and promptly responding to any queries.
  • Proactive Request for Changes:

    • Feel free to request changes in altitude or heading if needed, and the controller will either approve the request or provide an alternative.
  • Smooth Handoff Process:

    • The handoff process between controllers ensures a seamless transition and organized airspace management.

By following these procedures, you contribute to the realism and efficiency of the VATSIM network, enhancing the overall experience for yourself and fellow virtual aviators.