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PIREP Approval Criteria

To maintain consistency and uphold standards, United Virtual Airlines (UVA) follows specific criteria for Pilot Report (PIREP) approval. Pilots are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

Simulation RateRate:

  1. CRUISE Phase Time Acceleration:

    • Pilots may use any simulation rate (time acceleration) during the CRUISE phase ofonly, flight ONLY, regardless of flight time. Cruise phase begins atfrom top-of-climb (TOC) and ends atto top-of-decentdescent (TOD).
    • Time Accelerationacceleration is NOTstrictly permitted at any timeprohibited during taxi, take-off, climb, decent,descent, approach, and landing.
  2. ATC Permission on VATSIM:

    • Pilots using time-acceleration without a logged TOC and TOD may have their PIREPs rejected.
    • When flying on VATSIM, pilotsVATSIM must receive permission from ATC before using time acceleration.
  3. Any

    Phases Jumping Prohibition:

    • Use of any feature thatallowing allows you to jumpjumping between flight phases of flight (i.e.g., to the next waypoint, to top of descent, slewing, etc.)slewing) is strictly prohibited.

Landing RateRate:

  1. MustMaximum Landing Rate:
    • Landing rate must not exceed -600 feet per minute (fpm).
    • If multipleMultiple touchdowns aremust logged for an individual PIREP (i.e. bounces, go-arounds), no touchdown shallnot exceed -600 fpm.fpm each.


  1. smartCARS Routing Requirement:
    • Routing must be entered in smartCARS.
    • Direct (airport to airport) routes are not permitted.

Flight ErrorsErrors:

  1. Stalls, Overspeeds, Violations:
    • Stalls, overspeeds, and >250kts.250kts below 10,000 ft. MSL violations may causelead yourto PIREP torejection, be rejected, dependingbased on the severity and/or durationduration.
    • IfFS2020 using FS2020, pleaseusers, note that using “Active Pause” will registerregisters as a stallstall; inavoid your PIREP report. Do not useusing this feature whileduring tryingflight torecording.
    • record
    your flight.

Fuel GuidelinesGuidelines:

  1. Minimum Fuel at Landing:

    • At the time of landing, fuel must be more than 2000 lbs. for all aircraft.
  2. Reserve Fuel:

    • Reserve fuel should be added prior tobefore departure in case offor emergency, holding, or other unforeseen circumstances.
    • Using the “"Unlimited Fuel”Fuel" option withinin any simulator is strictly prohibited.
    • In-Flightflight refueling is NOT permittedpermitted.
    • at
    any time.


  1. Discretionary Approval/Rejection:

    • Staff may approve or reject a filed PIREP at their discretion.
    • Should a PIREP be rejected, a
    • A reason for rejection will always be provided in the comments.comments section.
    • Any member of the administrative team member may overrule a rejection if theyfound findunnecessary.
    • the
  2. to
  3. be

    Self-Approval unnecessary

  4. Prohibition:

    • No staff member may accept their own PIREP.


  1. ANotation Requirement:
    • Pilots must note the diversion airport and reason for the diversion must be notated in the “Comments” section of smartCARS if the pilot deems flight conditions are unsafe or ifin therecase isof an emergencyemergency.
    • and
    must divert to an alternate airfield or that PIREP will be rejected.

Slew ModeMode:

  1. Slew Mode Restriction:
    • PIREPs that showshowing slew mode toggled on for greatermore than 3 seconds after completion of pushback procedures,completion will be rejected.

Double DippingDipping:

  1. Hours Accrual Limitation:
    • Accruing hours for another VAvirtual whileairline usingduring the same flight to accrue hours for UVA is strictly prohibited.
    • Violators willmay haveface thePIREP offending PIREP(s) rejectedrejection and face possible disciplinary action, to be determinedaction by the Executive/Administration Team.

Airline & Aircraft Type RestrictionsRestrictions:

  1. General Requirements:
    • Pilots may fly any airline and aircraft typetype, (including corporate jets and General Aviation aircraft) on any route they desire as long as the following general requirements are met:
      1. The aircraft must have theconsidering fuel range capable of flying the route (i.e. you can’t fly a CRJ- 200 on KSFO to EGLL as that aircraft doesn’t have the range capable of flying that route without fuel stops along the way).
      2. The aircraft must be anrange, appropriate size to adhere to thefor departure and arrival airportairports, restrictions,and runway length, etc. (i.e. you can’t fly an A380 into or out of KLGA as KLGA runways aren’t long enough and the airport layout doesn’t support A380 aircraft).length.
      3. If theSubstituting aircraft you want to fly is notallowed, listed on our site,but pilots may choose the closest size and range aircraft to the aircraft they plan to fly for the flight on the Charter Ops page.
      4. If you substitute one aircraft for another,must leave a comment in the “Comments” section of our smartCARS application before submittingPIREP your PIREP.


Charter inOperations:

  1. Charters Creation Limitation:
    • Charters can only be created for routes that are not in our scheduling system already, so please search out your routealready in the Schedulescheduling Searchsystem.
    • page before creating a charter.
    • Aircraft substitutions can be made through our smartCARS applicationsmartCARS, and charters should NOTnot be created simplysolely tofor change anchanging aircraft type.
