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Pilot Requirements

Pilot Requirements:

  1. ItMonthly isPIREP Submission:

    • Pilots are required thatto each pilot submitssubmit at least one (1) Pilot Report (or PIREP) per month. IfThe you are unable to commit to this requirement, flying with United Virtual may not be the best fit for you. All PIREPssubmission must be submittedmade using the smartCARS flight logging and monitoring software,software provided free of charge by United Virtual. If a pilot is unable to complycomply, with this requirement, theypilots may submit a manual PIREP through the United Virtual Crew Center, However, if a pilot submits a PIREP manually,with a link from an approved source (VATSIM, ProjectFLY, etc.) must be submitted in the comments section of the manual PIREP form, in order to verify that the flight was completed. Failure to provide a link along with a manual PIREP, to verify the validityflight's ofcompletion.
    • the
  2. will
  3. result

    Responsibility infor thatCompliance:

      being rejected by the staff team.
    • It is the pilot’s responsibility to ensure they fly theirat least one (1) flight
       every 30 days.


      remain active.

Pilot Inactivity Warnings

  1. Warning Emails:

    • United Virtual will send out warning emails at 30 days and 90 days if a pilot should gobecomes inactive.
  2. Inactivity Periods:

    • Pilots are required to complete one (1) flight every thirty (30) days to remain asactive.
    • an active pilot.
    • After a total of 30 days of inactivity, youa pilot will be placed on a leave of absence.
    • After 90 days of inactivity, youa pilot will be retiredretired, and no longer havelosing access to the Crew Center.
  3. Return from Retirement:

    • Pilots who have been retired after 90 days of inactivity willmay haverequest a return to writeactive instatus firstby tocontacting their Hub Manager (HM) or
    • asking to be returned to active status, so that they may regain access our crew center.
    • If theirthe HM or the DPO isn’tis available,unavailable, pilots may email or send a Discord message tocontact any member of the staff team withvia email or Discord message to make this request.
    • A

      Leave of Absence Requests:

      • Pilots can request a leave of absence may be requested through the Crew CenterCenter, which will submitbe your requestsubmitted to the HR, ExecutiveExecutive, or Administrative staff.
      • Leaves of absence must be:be
        1. Betweenbetween 30 and 90 days.
        2. days
        3. Notand not repeated more than twice per calendar year.
    • Once you have returned

      Return from yourLeave of Absence:

      • Upon return from a leave of absence, you willpilots have fourteen (14) days to filesubmit aan ACCEPTED PIREP which must be ACCEPTED to avoid being marked as retired due to inactivity.
        1. For this reason, thisThe PIREP submitted upon return cannot be a manual PIREP.

    Roster Purges:

    • First PIREP Approval:

      • Roster purges happenoccur daily for thosepilots who do not get their first PIREP approved after joining UVA, within 30 days.days of joining UVA.
    • 12-Month Inactivity Purge:

      • After 12 months (365 days) of inactivity, pilots will be removed from ourthe roster, deleted from ourthe database, and their previous profile cannot be retrieved.

    For additional details, refer to Pilot Requirements and Inactivity Policy Document.
