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Code of Conduct

AllTo uphold a professional and respectful environment, all Staff Members and Pilots forof United Virtual Airlines (UVA) are expected to maintainadhere professionalismto whenthe interacting with all United Virtual personnel, members and guests of our Discord server and in any online forum in which UVA is in any way represented. We maintain and foster partnership agreements with several vendors and developers that could be adversely impacted by any inappropriate actions of our members. Thisfollowing Code of Conduct shall be adhered to byacross all memberscommunication channels and representations of United Virtual Airlines.UVA:

Prohibited Actions:

  1. AllVerbal membersAbuse ofand UVABullying:

    • No engageengaging in theverbal followingabuse actionsor onbullying of any UVA medium and/or propertymember or while representing UVA in any way. You may NOT:

      1. Verbally abuse or bully any member of United Virtual or any member of our partner organizations while representing United Virtual.
  2. Engage

    Harmful Activities:

    • Prohibited from participating in any activity that is harmful to the virtual airline.
  3. Send explicit/controversial/

    Inappropriate Messages:

    • Sending explicit, controversial, or degrading messages including,related but not limited to:to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status, or any other lawfully protected classifications.classifications is strictly prohibited.
  4. Use

    Offensive Language:

    • Usage of vulgar profanity or offensive language. Offensive language, including any "vulgar" profanity in any form or language that is of a sexual nature, is prohibited on UVA's and our partner's public public-facing Discord channelschannels.
    • at
    all times. Please be respectful to everyone while representing UVA, always.
  5. Send

    Advertising Products/Services:

    • Sending any meansform of advertisements for the sale of any type of productproducts or serviceservices on any of UVA’s communication outlets, including ourDiscord, Discordis server.not allowed.
  6. Discuss

    Discussion of Piracy:

    • Discussing or promoting the pirating or the distribution of any other entertainment without completingproper properlegal purchases requiredis bystrictly law.prohibited.
  7. Use theof @everyone/@here Commands:

    • Using @everyone/@here commands in ourUVA's Discord server.server is not allowed.
  8. Perform

    Exploitative Activities:

    • Performing or promotepromoting the intentional use of glitches, hacks, bugsbugs, andor other exploits that may cause an incidentincidents within the community and otheramong pilots atis Unitedstrictly Virtual.forbidden.
  9. Spam

    Spamming and Flooding:

    • Spamming or floodflooding any communication outlet within or used by UnitedUVA not permitted.
  10. Register or

    Multiple attemptRegistrations:

    • Registering on ourthe website or any of United Virtual’s communication outlets, including our Discord server, usingwith more than one email account/Pilot ID. Only one (1) pilot registration and one Discord registrationID is permitted.strictly Ifprohibited.
    • you
  11. to
  12. change

    Promotion yourof DiscordOther registrationAirlines:

      any reason, you must notify an Executive
    • Advertising or Administrative staff member prior to re-registering so that your old registration can be deleted accordingly.
    • Advertise or promotepromoting any other virtual airline on anyUVA’s communication outlets is not allowed.
  13. Use of UnitedAliases Virtual’sor communicationsFake outlets,Names:

    including on our Discord server. This could lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination from UVA.
    • Use anyof aliases or fake names on ourUVA's website or any of United Virtual’s communication outletsoutlets, including onDiscord, ouris Discordnot server.permitted.
    • Real
    names must be used.
  14. Cause

    Nuisance Behavior:

    • Causing a nuisance at United Virtual.Virtual is not tolerated. Repeated complaints from members willmay lead to necessaryadministrative Administrative action up to andaction, including termination from the VA,termination, after a formal investigation.
    • All
    members of UVA are expected to treat others (at UVA and our partner organization’s members) with dignity and respect at all times.

Warning Levels:

  • ForLevel any1 CodeWarning:

    • Issued with a clear definition of Conduct violations, notify the DPO, COOgrievance/violation and CEO.corrective Warningsactions willto be establishedtaken. inProbation a
      four-tieredor systemsuspension andmay will progressfollow if corrective action is not implementedimplemented.
    • by
  • member.
  • Level 2 Warning:

  • Formal
  • writtenwith
    Warningnotice Level
    Action Taken

    The member will be issued a warning that clearly defines thedefined grievance/violation and the corrective actionsactions. theMay memberinclude mustprobation, take. The member will receive notice that probationsuspension, or suspensiontermination, is to be implemented if corrective action is not taken and a Level Two (2) warning and actions must be issued.

    This Warning Level may be issued multiple times or skipped at the discretion of the DPO and/or Admin Staff, dependingbased on the severityseverity. of the violation.

  • Level 3 Warning:

  • 2

    The member will be issued a formal

  • Formal written notice thatwith clearly defines thedefined grievance/violation and the corrective actionsactions. theMay memberresult mustin take.suspension The member will receive one of the following at the discretion of the DPO and/or Admin Staff,termination, depending on theseverity.
  • severity of the violation:

    1. Probation of no more than thirty (30) days in which progress must be made, OR
    2. Suspension from

      Level the4 VAWarning:

      including all flight/event activities, the Crew Center, and UVA’s Discord server for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days, OR
      • Action up to and includingFormal termination from theUVA VA.

    A formal written notice that clearly defines the grievance/violation and the corrective actions the member must take. The member will receive one of the following at the discretion of the DPO and/or Admin Staff, depending on the severity of the violation:

    1. Suspension from the VA including all flight/event activities, the Crew Center, and UVA’s Discord server for a period not less than fourteen (14) days but not to exceed ninety (90) days OR
    2. Action up to and including termination from the VA.
    4The member will be formally terminated from the VA and facewith a ban set for future membership. Written documentation will be

    Warning providedLevel byProgression:

      DPO and the Administrative Staff.

  • If a member is on a Warning Level of discipline, the DPO and/or Admin team will issue the next applicable Warning Level inwill consecutivebe orderissued for any violations that occur within the rolling 12-month period from the date of issuanceissuance.
  • of their current Warning Level (unless termination is deemed necessary for the violation). If a pilot goes without any further discipline for 12 months from the date of issuance of any Warning Level, all disciplinary actions will be removed from their profile. Requests for appeals
  • Appeals for Warning Levels or terminations may be addressed/sentaddressed to the Chief Operations Officer (COO) at and/or the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at

For detailed information, refer to Code of Conduct Document.
