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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - Pilot Regulations


YouAt mayUnited not:Virtual Airlines, we uphold a high standard of conduct from our pilots. Please adhere to the following regulations:

  1. Verbally

    Respectful Interaction:

    • Avoid verbal abuse or bullybullying of any member of United Virtual or any of our partner organizations while representing United Virtual.member.
    • EngageDo not engage in anyactivities activity that staff considerdeemed harmful to the airline.
    • SendRefrain explicit/controversial/from sending explicit or degrading messages including,based but not limited to: race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status, or any other lawfullyon protected classifications.
  2. Use profanity

    Profanity and profanityAdvertising:

    • Profanity is neverstrictly allowed. If you have time to type it, you have time to think about it.prohibited.
    • SendAdvertisements anyor means of advertisement/links to other sites/Discorddiscord servers (are allowed only permissible when streaming on Twitch.Twitch Youand must only usein the streamer channel for that and must have been issued adesignated streamer tagchannel.
    • prior
    to posting).
  3. Discuss

    Ethical Conduct:

    • Do not discuss or promote illegal activities, including pirating or theunauthorized distribution of any entertainment without completing proper purchases required by law.entertainment.
    • UseAvoid intentional use of glitches, hacks, or exploits.
  4. Communication Etiquette:

    • Do not use the @everyone/@here command in our Discord server.
    • PerformRefrain from spamming or promote the intentional use of glitches, hacks, bugs and other exploits that may cause an incident within the community and other pilots at United Virtual.
    • Spam or floodflooding any communication outlet within or used by United Virtual.
  5. Register or

    Registration attemptand toIdentity:

      on our website or any of United Virtual’s communications outlets, including our Discord server, using more than
    • Only one email account/Pilot ID. Only ONE (1) pilot registration and one Discord registration isare permitted.
    • If
    • Real you need to change your Discord registration for any reason, younames must notify an Executive or Administrative staff member PRIOR to re-registering so that your old registration can be deleted accordingly.
    • Advertise or promote any other virtual airline on any of United Virtual’s communications outlets, including on our Discord server. This could lead to disciplinary action up toused, and including termination from UVA.
    • Use any aliases or fake names onare ournot websiteallowed.
    • or
    any of United Virtual’s communication outlets including on our Discord server. Real names must be used.
  6. Cause

    Positive Community Engagement:

    • Treat others with respect, and avoid causing a nuisancenuisance.
    • at United Virtual.
    • Repeated complaints from several members willmay lead to necessaryadministrative Administrative Action up to andaction, including terminationtermination.
    • from
    the VA. All members of UVA are expected to treat others (at UVA and our partner organization’s members) with respect at all times.
  1. Affiliation Disclaimer:

    • United Virtual is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by United Airlines, Inc..
    • “United”,
  2. Airlines”
  3. as

    COPPA well as the “globe” logo/s are registered trademarks of United Airlines, Inc. and are used by licensees under license from United Airlines, Inc.


  4. Complies

    Thewith the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a law created to protect the privacy of children aged 13 and under. The Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1998 and took effect in April 2000. COPPA is managed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
    The Act specifies:

    • That sites must require parental consent for the collection or use of any personal information of young Website users.
    • What must be included in a privacy policy, including the requirement that the policy itself be posted anywhere data is collected.
    • When and how to seek verifiable consent from a parent or guardian.
    • What responsibilities the operator of a Website legally holds with regards to children's privacy and safety online, including restrictions on the types and methods of marketing targeting those under 13

    COPPA was passed to address the rapid growth of online marketing techniques in the 1990s that were targeting children. Various Websites were collecting personal data from children without parental knowledge or consent. Research published by the Center for Media Education showed that children did not understand the potential negative outcomes of revealing personal information online. In the wake of media reports demonstrating the ease of gathering private data from children, the public pressured Congress to legislate.

    Although COPPA does not specifically define how parental consent should be gained, the (FTC) has established guidelines to help Web site operators to ensure compliance with the Act. These suggestions include:

    • Clear display of downloadable consent forms that may be mailed or faxed to the operator.
    • Requiring that a parent use a credit card to authenticate age and identity.
    • Requiring that a parent call a toll-free phone number.
    • Accepting an email from a parent that includes a digital signature

    COPPA requires that site operators allow parents to review any information collected from their children. In practice, this means that any relevant site has to provide full access to all user records, profiles and log-in information when a parent requests it. The FTC has stipulated that parents may delete certain information but may not otherwise alter it.

    United Virtual will maintain full compliance with COPPA, as stipulated in the act, and any other iterations of the act through amendments. 

    As such, noNo child under the age of 16 may join without parental consent.

  5. Applicants under 16 must verify parental consent during registration.
  6. Verification and Compliance:

    • United Virtual withoutmaintains consentcompliance fromwith theirCOPPA parentand orits guardian.amendments.
    • As
    • No part of the registration process, we will identify applicantsapplicant under the age of 16, and verify with a checkbox that consent was obtained. United Virtual cannot independently verify this information, but if we become aware of application misrepresentations at any time, appropriate actions14 will be takenaccepted.
    • up
    • Misrepresentation may lead to and including immediate termination of membership, and a permanent banban.
    • instituted.
  7. Parental Inquiries:

    • Parents can request information concerningabout thetheir misrepresented applicant will be deleted from our servers immediately, except for name, email, and IP address so that we can maintain the applicant from joining in the future.

      Furthermore, we will not accept any applicant under the age of 14 as a member of United Virtual. Again, we are not able to independently verify this information, but should we become aware of any misrepresentation in the application at any time, appropriate actions will be taken up to and including immediate termination of membership, and a permanent ban instituted. All information concerning the misrepresented applicant will be deleted from our servers immediately, except for name, email, and IP address so that we can maintain the applicant from joining in the future.

      Copies of all information collected can be providedchild by contacting the CEO at

    • As

  8. above, should a parent or guardian of a minor, as defined by the laws of the United States, request information about their child or ward, please do so by contacting the CEO at
