Bonus Hours & Incentives
AdvertisePromote United Virtual on social media orapublic flight simulationforum.- forums.
IfLive-streamyouorlive-stream/record aflightflight,and promotementioning UVA bymentioning us by namename, and directyourviewers to our website and promovideo,video.- Earn double (x2) hours for
that flight (PIREP must be submitted thru smartCARS). You will need to recordthe flightandbyprovidesubmitting a PIREP through smartCARS. Provide a linkfor stafftowatchthe recorded videotoforverify thisverification on our Discordserver and your hours for that flight will be doubled.server.
At United Virtual Airlines, we appreciate the engagement and efforts of our pilots. To further enhance your experience, we offer various bonus hours and incentives:
1. Advertise United Virtual:
2. AirportAirport:
The monthly focus airport is located onCheck the main pageafter logging intoof the for the monthly focus airport.Pilots who flyFly in or out of thisairport,airport during the specified monththat it is posted, willto receive bonus MileagePlus miles ontheirapprovedPIREPSPIREPs (checkbonus details available in the NOTAMs channel onour Discord server to see how much the bonus is for that month, butDiscord, typicallyits+200).This
3. will change every month. If you complete a flight after the change of the focus airport, your MileagePlus bonus miles will not be credited to your pilot profile.
Pilots who participateParticipate inagroupflightflights oreventevents hosted by UnitedVirtualVirtual.- Earn double (x2) hours on
theirapprovedPIREPS.PIREPs for participating. GroupStayflightsinformedwillabouttakeupcomingplaceeventsweekly, bi-weekly, or monthly and information will be posted inthrough the events sectionofon thewebsite,websiteas well as onand our Discordin theevent channel.
4. Refer-a-Friend:
Refer-a-FriendIf you referRefer a friend or family member tosign-up,signhaveup with UVA.- Instruct them
putto include your name and pilotthetheir initial pilotapplicationapplication. - Receive 25 additional
hours as a thank you for the referral.
and youwill receive
These incentives are our way of recognizing and rewarding the dedication and involvement of our pilots.