How To Donate
Donation Process:
- United Virtual Airlines (UVA) is
andcommittedwilltoalways beremaining aFREEfree service forourits members. - Donations, in any
partamount,ofarethegraciouslyworld, for free.Thank you for considering a donation. Any amount is generousaccepted and greatlyappreciated.appreciatedYourtocontribution will help us with oursupport operating costsofandmaintainingongoing development. - The donation page provides a
Donor development of UVA.Recognition:
- For
seea comprehensive breakdown, refer to the 2023 Financial Breakdown.
For a complete breakdown of where your donations are spent, please read the Financial Breakdown Report.
Allvarious donationsservices, goincluding towards the services provided by United Virtual Airlines. These include but are not limited to; Webweb servers, website hosting, schedule databases, raffles, SmartCARS,and etc.SmartCARS.
- All donations directly benefit the services offered by United Virtual Airlines.
- For detailed insights into financial allocation, review the Financial Breakdown