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2023 Financial Breakdown

United Virtual Airlines pridesvalues itselftransparency onand beingis transparentdedicated withto keeping its members informed about the donationsfinancial thataspects we receive each year. Your donations are what help us keep our VA up and running. Without you, we wouldn't be here. Let's break downof the 2023organization. financialsBelow foris you.the Here'sbreakdown aof lookexpenses atincurred whatduring wasthe spentyear this past year. 2023:

Expense Item Frequency Cost
Domain Annually $20.00
Dedicated Server Hosting Monthly $118.00
WHM/cPanel Server UI Monthly $75.00
Server/Website Security Annually $144.00
SSL Certificates Annually $295.00
Discord Boosts Monthly $50.00
Photoshop Subscription Monthly $11.00
Schedule Updates Annually $750.00
Contests/Raffles Annually $200.00
TFDi SmartCARS Subscription Quarterly $20.97
Future Development As Needed -
Miscellaneous Costs As Needed-
Frequency TotalCost Total
As Needed -
Frequency Total Expenses for 2023  Cost Total
Monthly $4,288.2,316.00
Quarterly $83.88
Annually $1,889.00
As Needed -
DonationsTotal inExpenses for 2023  $649.004,288.88
Donations in 2023 Deficit  $649.00
2023 Deficit $3,639.88

IfFor youmore haveinformation or any further questions about the state of our financials or your donations,questions, please reachcontact out to your CEO,CEO Jay D at


  • The provided information reflects the financial transparency of United Virtual Airlines in 2023.
  • For inquiries or clarifications, feel free to reach out to the CEO.